Call for Session Proposals: Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture, IMC Leeds (7-10 July 2025), Due 5 Sept. 2024

Call for Session Proposals

Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture

2025 International Medieval Congress

University of Leeds, July 7–10, 2025

Due 9 September 2024

Curtain Fragment with Galloping Horse (The Cleveland Museum of Art, Purchase from the J. H. Wade Fund, 1948.27)

To encourage the integration of Byzantine studies within the scholarly community and medieval studies in particular, the Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture seeks proposals for a Mary Jaharis Center sponsored session at the 2024 International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 7–10, 2025. We invite session proposals on any topic relevant to Byzantine studies.

The thematic strand for the 2025 IMC is “Worlds of Learning.” See the IMC Call for Papers ( for additional information about the theme and suggested areas of discussion.

Session proposals must be submitted through the Mary Jaharis Center website ( The deadline for submission is September 9, 2024.

If the proposed session is approved, the Mary Jaharis Center will reimburse a maximum of 4 session participants (presenters and moderator) up to $800 maximum for participants traveling from within Europe and up to $1400 maximum for those coming from outside Europe. Funding is through reimbursement only; advance funding cannot be provided. Eligible expenses include conference registration, transportation, and food and lodging. Receipts are required for reimbursement. Participants must participate in the conference in-person to receive funding. The Mary Jaharis Center regrets that it cannot reimburse participants who have last-minute cancellations and are unable to attend the conference.

For further details and submission instructions, please visit

Please contact Brandie Ratliff (, Director, Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture with any questions.

Call for Papers for Roundtable: The Middle Ages Reloaded: Activism, Public Engagement, and Political Realities, ICMS Kalamazoo (8-10 May 2025), Due 15 Sept. 2024

Call for Papers for Roundtable

The Middle Ages Reloaded: Activism, Public Engagement, and Political Realities

International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo 2025 (8-10 May 2025)

Due 15 September 2024

Our roundtable panel seeks to draw attention to how we speak of the Middle Ages during tumultuous times. We aim to highlight real-world issues and ways of creating and innovating against the crises in education, institutional constraints, and social disparities at large. For example, how one teaches the Middle Ages in the classroom is increasingly subject to state and local curricular mandates. In museums, exhibitions and acquisitions are frequently dependent on fundraising structures, donor relations, and stewardship. Throughout the field, inequitable institutional and social structures condition who gets to participate in the telling of the Middle Ages, and even within those structures, the labor required to engage remains invisible or unacknowledged.

We are seeking contributions to a roundtable on the current praxis of the Middle Ages as we are in the midst of rapid cultural changes. Participants should propose present issues and/or future-oriented questions about how we teach, curate, and research the Middle Ages. How do we get around restrictions placed upon us to talk, write, educate, and create the Middle Ages in inclusive, global, and meaningful ways? How can we balance activism with work that is historically responsible? Do we envision disruptions to larger systems that would fundamentally change the field of medieval studies?

Interested panelists should submit a 100-word bio and 200-word abstract that concretely conveys examples of recent changes to, or future goals for, your practice as a medievalist. We are looking for short talks (ca. 8 minutes) on actionable changes to the field, recommendations for the future, and/or strategies that grapple with the changing U.S. political landscape. We especially welcome non-traditional forms of academic presentations, including personal reflections, public engagement and writing, innovative pedagogical approaches, social media and digital projects, and emerging platforms broadly speaking. Panelists from a variety of contexts/positions/career stages are strongly encouraged to apply, including: K–12 public educators, government and public service workers, curators and staff from museums and cultural institutions, those with non-academic affiliations, graduate students, as well as retired, tenure-track and contingent faculty from higher education, among others.


Larisa Grollemond, Assistant Curator of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, Getty Museum
Laura Tillery, Assistant Professor of Art History, Hamilton College

Submit to:

Call for Papers for Two Sessions: Tree to Truss, AVISTA, ICMS Kalamazoo (8-10 May 2025), Due 15 Sept. 2024

Call for Papers for Two Sessions

Association Villard de Honnecourt for the Interdisciplinary Study of Medieval Technology, Science, and Art

Tree to Truss

International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI (8-10 May 2025)

Due 15 September 2024

AVISTA invites paper proposals for its two sponsored in-person sessions at the next International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, Michigan (May 8-10, 2025).

1. From Tree to Truss: Wood in Medieval Building(s)

The 2019 Notre-Dame fire laid bare vast quantities of a building material ubiquitous throughout the medieval world, yet sometimes concealed from view: wood. Despite their practical, structural, and even symbolic importance, the wooden elements of medieval buildings often go unheralded in scholarship or are treated in isolation from building materials like earth, brick, and stone rather than in concert with them. This session welcomes papers that take a range of approaches to the use of wood in medieval construction (e.g. as formwork or scaffolding) and/or in the finished structures themselves (e.g. as roof trusses or vaults).

Submit your paper proposal here:

2. From Tree to Truss (2): Woodcarving in Medieval Architecture

The 2019 Notre-Dame fire laid bare vast quantities of a building material ubiquitous throughout the medieval world, yet sometimes hidden in plain sight: wood. As a pendant to our session about the place of heavy timber in medieval building(s), this session will focus on the works of woodcarvers, woodturners, and joiners within medieval architectural spaces. To that end, we welcome papers that take material, technical, or intermedial approaches to more intricate forms of woodwork, including but not limited to wooden altarpieces, bemas, canopies, ciboria, iconostases, lecterns, maqsuras, minbars, screens, stalls, templons, Torah arks, and beyond.

Submit your paper proposal here:

Proposals are due at the links above on September 15, 2024. Please direct any questions to session co-organizer Lindsay Cook (


ICMA NEWS               




William G. Noel, 1965–2024 22

Special Features

More Public Medievalists, Please!, By David M. Perry and Matthew Gabriele

The Medieval Kingdom of Sicily Image Database, 2009–2024, By Caroline Bruzelius

Exhibition Reports 

Blood: Medieval/Modern, By Bryan C. Keene

Art of Enterprise: Israhel van Meckenem’s 15th-Century Print Workshop, By Raenelda Rivera

Dining with the Sultan: The Fine Art of Feasting, By Leila Al-Shibibi

Events and Opportunities

The deadline for the next issue of ICMA News is 15 October 2024. Please send information to 

If you would like your upcoming conference, CFP, or exhibition included in the newsletter please email the information to

Call for Papers for Session: Tactility and the Early Medieval English Text, IMC Leeds (7-10 July 2025), Due by 23 Aug. 2024

Call for Papers for Session

Tactility and the Early Medieval English Text

International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 7-10 July 2025

Due by 23 August 2024

Amy Clark and I are looking to organise a session (or more!) at Leeds 2025 on tactility and the early medieval English text. Feel free to get in touch with any questions, and please pass on to anyone who might be interested!

Papers might centre on tactile encounters with the text itself, such as through forms of readerly intervention in manuscripts, in ink or with drypoint. But we also invite papers which connect early medieval literature with other kinds of material culture. John Leyerle and other scholars have influentially thought with metalwork when exploring the interlace structure and ‘ring-patterned’ verse of Beowulf, but can we see new things in Old English and Anglo-Latin texts by considering parallels across a more diverse range of visual art forms and material culture, from stone sculpture to embroidery to the tools of daily life?

Leeds 2024 will have the special thematic focus of ‘Worlds of Learning’ ( so papers touching on themes of communities of practice, and cross-cultural networks will be particularly appreciated. Please send an abstract of up to 200 words and a short bio to Amy W. Clark, Wake Forest University ( and Hattie Soper, University of Bristol ( by the 23rd August.

Call For Papers for Session: Queer(ing) Medieval Art: New Horizons, ICMS Kalamazoo (8-10 May 2025), Due By 15 Sept. 2024

Call For Papers for Session

Queer(ing) Medieval Art: New Horizons

60th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI

8-10 May 2025

Due by 15 September 2024

Panel from a Casket with Scenes from Courtly Romances, 1330–1350 or later. France, Lorraine?, Gothic period, 14th century. Ivory; overall: 9.8 x 25.9 x 1 cm (3 7/8 x 10 3/16 x 3/8 in.). The Cleveland Museum of Art, John L. Severance Fund 1978.39.b. Public Domain

How does medieval art define queerness and transness, and how do gendered performances of bodies and images shape one another? How do medieval sexualities and genders, fluid and porous, explicate and trouble modern ones? We invite papers that explore queer methodologies and medieval art, including visual cultures of animals, the humoral body, and the non-human. After the success of 2024’s Queer(ing) Medieval Art panels, this new panel seeks to expand our scope: we especially encourage papers examining secular, Jewish, or Islamic perspectives, architecture, non-elite archives, and/or queer intersections with race, religion, and ethnicity as visual/material expressions.

This in-person panel will be part of the 60th International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, MI, taking place May 8 - May 10, 2025. For information about the conference, see Questions about the panel can be directed to Maeve Doyle ( or Christopher Richards (

Please submit proposals, including an abstract of no more than 100 words, via the ICMS-Kalamazoo Confex website by September 15, 2024:

National Churches Trust Online Lecture: Food for Thought: Reconsidering Late Medieval English Cadaver Monuments, Morgan Ellis Leah, Tuesday 30 July 2024, 12:30-1:30 PM ET (5:30-6:30PM BST)

Online Lecture: Cadaver Monuments

National Churches Trust

Food for Thought: Reconsidering Late Medieval English Cadaver Monuments

Morgan Ellis Leah

TUESDAY 30 JULY 2024, 5:30-6:30PM BST (12:30-1:30PM ET)

Tickets: £6

Join us to find out about medieval cadaver monuments in this fascinating online lecture. You can get your tickets through the booking form in the link here..

Focussing on late medieval English carved cadaver memorials, this talk will reconsider the long-standing misconception that transi effigies present the body in a ‘late stage of decay.’ Popularly, cadaver tombs are thought of as part of the European tradition, presenting the body of the deceased as a gruesome skeletal figure with rotting flesh and devouring worms. However, English memorials are different from their continental cousins. Instead, executed with a high degree of anatomical accuracy, English cadaver tombs present the body with taut, unbroken skin, as per a state of severe emaciation. This talk offers an answer for these striking visual differences, suggesting that these cadavers speak with an English accent, evoking overlooked Anglo-Saxon practices of Feasting the Dead by presenting a state of severe spiritual hunger.

Morgan Ellis Leah is a member of the National Churches Trust’s Church Engagement Team. She has a background in architectural conservation and historic collections management. Her recent research will be published in the upcoming title: Tomb Monuments in Medieval Europe. Morgan has given lectures at the Universities of Cambridge, Kent, and Harvard, as well as the Societies for Church Monuments and Church Archaeology.

Call for Papers: British Archaeological Association Postgraduate Conference (28-29 November 2024), Due By 31 August 2024

Call for Papers

British Archaeological Association

Postgraduate Conference

28-29 November 2024

Due By 31 August 2024

The BAA invites proposals by postgraduates and early career researchers in the field of medieval history of art, architecture, and archaeology. Papers can be on any aspect of the medieval period, from antiquity to the Later Middle Ages, across all geographical regions.

Proposals of around 250 words for a 20-minute paper, along with a CV, should be sent by 31st August 2024 to

The conference will take place online 28-29th November 2024

Call for Papers: Breaking the Mirror: New Approaches to the Study of Medieval Images, The Index of Medieval Art Sponsored Session, ICMS Kalamazoo (8-10 May 2025), Due 15 September 2024

Call for Papers

The Index of Medieval Art Sponsored Session

Breaking the Mirror: New Approaches to the Study of Medieval Images

60th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo

Due 15 September 2024

Hybrid figure, Hours of Charlotte de Savoy, Morgan M.1004, fol. 129v

Everyone wants something from medieval images: a sense of story, a corroborated argument, a witness to medieval realities. Although the methods by which scholars seek these answers have evolved considerably, their work remains dominated by the conception of the medieval image as mirror, one that reflects either explicitly or indirectly the truths of the historical past. This session challenges this tendency by asking what we can really expect to learn from medieval images. How does their potential to go beyond illustration—to aspire, deceive, and even fantasize—complicate what and how scholars can learn from them?

We invite papers from researchers at all levels and especially encourage submissions from early-career scholars. The session’s hybrid format can accommodate up to two remote participants. Conference details and a full call for papers can be found at this link.

Online Conference & Call for Papers: Unruly Iconographies, Conference (Index of Medieval Art) 9 Nov. 2024 & CFP (Naples, 12-13 June 2025), Due By 1 Oct. 2024

Linked Events

Online Conference

Unruly Iconographies: Examining the Unexpected in Medieval Art

Index of Medieval Art at Princeton University

9 November 2024


Call for Papers For Field Seminar

Unruly Iconographies / Iconografie Indisciplinate: Exceptions or New Patterns?

Center for the Art and Architectural History of Port Cities “La Capraia”, Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, Naples
12-13 June 2025

Due By 1 October 2024

Pierre-Jacques Volaire, Eruption of Vesuvius, oil on canvas, 1769, Naples, Museo di Capodimonte.

Art history’s recent turn toward what the field has long considered Europe’s peripheries and border zones has brought to the fore countless examples of seemingly strange, unusual, and unique iconographic motifs, which complicate the relationship between an artwork’s iconography and its place in space and time. Until now, the dominant model has presupposed standard iconographies and their adaptations, exceptions, and deviations, which are often understood within historiographic paradigms such as tradition and invention, center and periphery, urban and rural, elite and non-elite. This approach falls short, however, especially in places like southern Italy, where the abundance of exceptions brings into question the rule itself. Merely extending these historiographic paradigms to encompass “unruly iconographies” or "iconografie indisciplinate" only reperforms their marginalization. This state of play challenges us to explore the nexus between place and iconographic rules and exceptions, not by modifying the traditional framework to include peripheries and border zones, but by examining how case studies invite us to trace new art historical patterns and build new methodological models.

In November 2024, the Index of Medieval Art at Princeton University will convene "Unruly Iconographies?", a one-day conference dedicated to rethinking historiographic paradigms that have shaped how we understand iconographic motifs that don’t follow the rules. (Please find the Call for Papers for the Index conference at and a preliminary program at

In a linked event hosted by the Center for the Art and Architectural History of Port Cities “La Capraia” in June 2025, "Unruly Iconographies / Iconografie Indisciplinate: Exceptions or New Patterns?" will take medieval Naples and southern Italy as a laboratory for exploring relationships between iconography and place within a geographically expanded Middle Ages.

We invite proposals that take individual case studies from medieval Naples and southern Italy as points of departure for investigating questions including so-called exceptions, hapaxes, mistakes, and lost originals; dynamics between “center” and “periphery”; challenges of chronology and dating in so-called peripheries and border zones; circulations of iconographies through polycentric cultural networks; translations of motifs across mediums, formats, functional contexts, and audiences; the legibility and illegibility of iconographies across cultures; mechanisms of transfer including mobile artworks, artists, and patrons; interplays between royal, non-royal elite, and non-elite patronage; and the limitations of previous models of iconography when confronted with cases in medieval Naples and southern Italy. We welcome in particular proposals that locate southern Italy within broader Mediterranean worlds, at the convergence of multiple cultural and religious currents including Latin and Orthodox Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

"Unruly Iconographies / Iconografie Indisciplinate" is designed as a field seminar. Contributions may take the form of a seminar-style presentation with slides, or an on-site presentation with an artwork in Naples. (For presentations on site, we will print hand-outs with comparative images.) Presentations may be made in English or Italian, and should run no longer than 20 minutes, followed by 15-20 minutes of discussion.

La Capraia will cover the cost of lodging in Naples for three nights, lunch and dinner on the two days of the conference, admission to collections and sites, and transport to site visits as necessary. The organizing committee will award one graduate student among selected participants to receive an honorarium (disbursed immediately after the field seminar) to cover costs of travel up to $750.

Proposals should include a curriculum vitae, a brief narrative biography (max. 150 words), and an abstract (max. 350 words), and may be in Italian or English. The abstract should also indicate whether the proposed contribution would take the form of a seminar-style presentation or an on-site presentation. Please combine these materials in a single PDF document with Lastname_Firstname as the title, and send to La Capraia’s Center Coordinator Francesca Santamaria ( by 1 October 2024. Selected participants will be notified in early November 2024.

"Unruly Iconographies / Iconografie Indisciplinate" is organized by Maria Harvey (James Madison University), Sarah K. Kozlowski (The Edith O’Donnell Institute of Art History / Center for the Art and Architectural History of Port Cities “La Capraia”), Ali Alibhai (The Edith O’Donnell Institute of Art History), Francesca Santamaria (Center for the Art and Architectural History of Port Cities “La Capraia”), with the collaboration of the Index of Medieval Art, Princeton University.

The Center for the Art and Architectural History of Port Cities “La Capraia” is a partnership between the Edith O’Donnell Institute of Art History at the University of Texas at Dallas, the Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, Franklin University Switzerland, and the Amici di Capodimonte.

Learn more about La Capraia at and follow us on Instagram at

Call for Papers for Panel: Lincoln Documentary Culture(s) and Practice, IMC Leeds (7-10 July 2025), Due By 31 Aug. 2024

Call for Papers for Panel

Lincoln Documentary Culture(s) and Practice

Leeds International Medieval Congress (7-10 July 2025)

Due BY 31 August 2024

Organisers: Jess Holt (University of Lincoln) and Dean Irwin (University of Lincoln)

The archives of medieval Lincoln are both rich and extensive, reflecting a diverse range of documentary traditions and contexts. We invite papers which consider any aspect of source production, use, and preservation of documents in the city, town, and diocese of Lincoln during the High and Later Middle Ages. In focusing on a single, richly documented, centre of production, these panels will consider the emergence and evolution of documentary culture over the centuries. Equally they explore the extent to which practices were shared, or differed, across Lincoln at different times and in different spaces.

The organisers invite proposals for 20-minute presentations which address this topic. Themes for consideration include (but are not limited to):

· Forms of documents and mode of production

· Scribal cultures and agency

· Time, space, and memory

· Individual and institutional authority

· Use of sources in the decades and centuries following their production, and their archival afterlives

· Architectural and visual expressions of document production

· Book culture

Please send abstracts of no more than 250 words, along with affiliation and contact information to Dean ( by 31 August. Any queries can be sent to the same address.

Call for Papers for Panel: Jewish Women in the Middle Ages, In-Person Session, ICMS Kalamazoo (8-10 May 2025), Due 15 Sept. 2024

Call for Papers for Panel

Jewish Women in the Middle Ages

In-Person Session

International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, 8-10 May 2025

Due 15 September 2024

The contributions of Jewish women are often absent from broader discussions on Jewish-Christian relations, the production and use of Hebrew manuscripts, and representations of Jews in the art and artifacts of the Middle Ages. This session aims to highlight the active role of Jewish women in the Middle Ages. We welcome proposals for 20-minute original papers that address any aspect of the lives of Jewish women in Ashkenaz, Sepharad, or Italy. Topics may include, but are not limited to, Jewish women as patrons, merchants, collectors, readers, scribes, authors, and artisans. Papers dealing with understudied topics, such as Jewish women in pre-expulsion England, are especially encouraged.

Submissions are due 15 September 2024 through the ICMS conference portal. For inquiries, please email Reed O'Mara at and Laura Feigen at

Call for Papers for Panel: Deviant Images: Text/Image Relationships in Medieval Manuscripts, In-Person Session, ICMS Kalamazoo (8-10 May 2025), Due 15 Sept. 2024

Call for Papers for Panel

Deviant Images: Text/Image Relationships in Medieval Manuscripts

An In-Person Session

60th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, 8-10 May 2025

Due 15 September 2024

Sponsor: Research Group on Manuscript Evidence

Organizers: Cortney Anne Berg,

This panel provides a space to examine the ways that images and texts work together (or against each other) in medieval manuscripts. Scholars who study manuscripts often treat the images and the texts as separate phenomena without considering how a medieval reader would have interacted with the holistic object. Many studies of manuscripts treat the images as mere illustrations of the text, and this panel invites all scholars of manuscripts to explore the ways in which images work or do not work with the accompanying text.

Very rarely do images and texts provide the same information, and very rarely are images just illustrations to the text they accompany. Therefore, how can contemporary viewers understand the relationship between medieval images and the texts they accompany?

This panel invites 20 minute papers that explore medieval manuscripts and how their images deviate from or conform to the text. We encourage inquiries that describe the important intersections between text and image, and attempt to reconstruct the relationship between the two, particularly as these relationships may or may not map to lived conditions. We also encourage inquiries that reveal interesting information about manuscript culture writ large. Although this panel seeks papers that deal directly with images not just as aids to the text or reading, any methodological approach from literature, anthropology, history, religious studies, art history, or any other discipline that can make interesting connections between text and image would be a welcome addition to this panel.

Deadline: 15 September 2024

Please submit a 300-word abstract through the conference website:

Call for Papers for Panel: Birders without Borders: How Representations of Birds Interrupt Gender/Species/Genre/Period Categories, ICMS Kalamazoo (8-10 May 2025), Due By 15 Sept. 2024

Call for Papers For Panel

Birders without Borders: How Representations of Birds Interrupt Gender/Species/Genre/Period Categories

International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, 8-10 May 2025

Due by 15 September 2024

In medieval and early modern literature and visual art, birds flit in the background and they bring main character energy; they are human companions, human proxies, or they ignore humans altogether; they are represented allegorically, metaphorically, and literally, sometimes all in the same text. Behind and informing birds’ textual ubiquity, medieval and early modern people interacted with birds in wild and domestic spaces in and across urban and rural zones.

This bird-forward in-person panel thus considers how the use of birds in literary and scientific texts intersect in medieval and early modern literature, challenging traditional understandings of birds as mere tropes, symbols, or textual ornamentation. Instead, this panel invites new arguments and insights into their broader literary and cultural implications. This panel offers ample room for conversations across many rapidly evolving fields: gender studies, eco-critical studies, animal studies.

Submissions might consider these questions in their proposals:

- How do representations of birds enable the crossing of all kinds of boundaries-- species, genre, gender, periodization?

- What kinds of arguments arise when we consider the overlap or cross-disciplinarity of literary texts and scientific texts?

- What do birds potentiate in these texts that other animals do not?

- What can we do with ostensibly scientific or ornithological texts besides use them as expository background to explain esoteric birdy references?

Contact Sara Petrosillo ( or Lexi Toufas ( with any questions.

Please submit 300-word abstracts by September 15, 2024 to:

Call for Applications: Alfried Krupp Fellowships 2025/26, Due 31 August 2024

Call for Applications

Alfried Krupp Fellowships 2025/26

Due 31 August 2024

The Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald is awarding up to six Alfried Krupp Senior Fellowships and up to eight Alfried Krupp Junior Fellowships for the academic year 2025/ 26.

The Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald is an independent academic institution in the center of the traditional university and Hanseatic city near the Baltic Sea. The Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation founded the Kolleg in 2002 together with the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the University of Greifswald in order to strengthen the excellence of the university. The Alfried Krupp Fellows Program, which is at the heart of the Kolleg's work, was established in 2007 and has since been carried out with the generous support of the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation. It enables the fellows to concentrate on a major scientific project independently of teaching commitments and administrative tasks.

Outstanding academic personalities with a proven track record in research and teaching can apply for an Alfried Krupp Senior Fellowship. The Alfried Krupp Junior Fellowships are awarded to particularly qualified young researchers with a doctorate. Fellows are appointed for one semester (October 1 to March 31 or April 1 to September 30) or for one academic year (October 1 to September 30). Living and working space is available to the fellows at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg free of charge. The fellowships are remunerated according to the high expectations of the fellows' academic achievements. Applicants for a Senior Fellowship are encouraged to combine a research semester at their home university with a research stay at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg. The Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg supports applicants who wish to take up their fellowship in the company of a partner and/or children. 

Applications from the natural sciences are expressly encouraged. A joint application from several researchers who would like to realise interdisciplinary projects in Greifswald is possible. It is expected that the application will demonstrate how the planned project will strengthen the University of Greifswald's research priorities and make a significant contribution to the promotion of science and research in Greifswald as an academic centre.

In the academic year 2025/26, the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald will also focus on the following interdisciplinary topics:

  • Interrelationships between animal, human and environmental health

  • Cultural, social, political and economic change in the Baltic Sea region

Researchers from all disciplines working in these areas are particularly invited to apply. Applications from other research areas in all disciplines are also very welcome and will be assessed according to their quality and links with the University of Greifswald.

Applications for the academic year 2025/26  are requested from June 1 to August 31, 2024 to the Academic Director of the Kolleg, Professor Dr. Thomas Klinger, and can only be submitted electronically via the application form, which is only available during the call for applications. In order to ensure the fairness and objectivity of the application process, the procedure will be anonymized as far as possible: Applicants' personal data will be hidden or encrypted by a neutral body for the first round of assessment in order to ensure an unbiased evaluation.

If you have any further questions, please contact the Academic manager of the Kolleg, Dr. Christian Suhm, and the person responsible for the Fellowship Program, Celia Baron M.Sc. Please note that not all e-mail and telephone inquiries can be processed by the staff in the last week of the 3-month application period. By submitting your application, you consent to the processing of the personal data contained therein for a specific purpose. This data will not be passed on to third parties. You can find more information on this in our privacy policy.

The application period starts on 1 June and ends on 31 August 2024.

If you do not want to miss the start of the application period, please register for our Fellowship News. You will then be notified in good time by e-mail.

For more information, visit

Society for Church Archaeology Annual Conference: Transforming Church Archaeology: New Directions and Approaches, Folk of Gloucester, England, 14 September 2024

Society for Church Archaeology Annual Conference

Transforming Church Archaeology: New Directions and Approaches

Folk of Gloucester, England

14 September 2024

Gloucester Cathedral

The Society for Church Archaeology is pleased to announce its annual conference for 2024 on the theme of ‘Transforming Church Archaeology’. For centuries, churches and other religious buildings have been at the heart of their respective communities. However, declining congregations and other societal changes means institutions such as the Anglican Church are undergoing a period of transformation that directly impacts the buildings they curate. Whilst some churches face closure and an uncertain future, others are adapted to meet the needs of the wider community or for alternative purposes. Within this context, archaeology has an essential role to play, on the one hand guiding adaptations to historic buildings and on the other providing new avenues for presenting and interpreting church heritage to a variety of audiences. Through an exploration of the multifaceted nature of church archaeology in the 21st century, this conference aims to demonstrate how it continues to play a role in a changing religious landscape.

Papers will be presented on 14th September at the Folk of Gloucester, situated in a 16th-century building in the heart of Gloucester. This will be followed by an optional conference dinner. On 15th September, there will be a walking tour of Gloucester churches with a local guide. Accommodation and dinner arrangements will be emailed to all registered guests.


9.30-10.00 Registration

10.00-10.10 Welcome

10.10-10.30 Buried Treasure: telling the hidden stories of the past to today’s audiences (Louise Hampson)

10.30-10.50 St. Collen’s Heritage Project (Llangollen):The duality in the practice of reordering medieval churches (Suzanne Evans and Duncan Sanderson)

10.50-11.10 ‘If walls could talk’ – repopulating Breedon Priory Church, Leicestershire (Rachel Askew)

11.10-11.25 Q and A with Speakers

11.25-12.00 Refreshment Break

12.00-12.20 Holy Trinity, Minchampton : a biographical approach (Chiz Harward)

12.20 -12.40 200 years of scholarship at St Mary’s Church, Deerhurst: past, present and future research directions (Michael Hare)

12.40 – 12.50 Q and A with Speakers

12.50 – 13.45 Lunch

13.45 - 14.30 AGM

14.30-14.50 ‘Stones Shout Out’: a project by Bangor Diocese (Andrew Davidson)

14.50-15.10 The archaeology of historic burial management in cathedrals (Adam Daubney)

15.10 – 15.30 Church Archaeology and Research Frameworks (Glenn Cahilly-Bretzin and Ruth Nugent)

15.30 – 16.00 Q and A with Speakers / Closing Remarks

19.00 Conference Dinner

The full conference programme can be downloaded here

Conference Fees: £20 members, £45 non-members

Walking Tour: £7.50

To book your place, please visit our Eventbrite page.  If you are unable to pay online, please download the booking form, available here.

For enquiries about the conference and bookings please email​​

We look forward to seeing you there!

Hybrid Conference: Forum zum britisch-irischen Mittelalter 2024, Köln, Germany, 16 September 2024


Forum zum britisch-irischen Mittelalter 2024

Universität zu Köln & Hybrid

16 September 2024

Hintergrundbild: Luttrell Psalter (British Library Add. MS 42130), fol. 82r (Lizenz: Public Domain)

Das Programm für das diesjährige Forum zum britisch-irischen Mittelalter steht fest. Wer digital teilnehmen möchte, kann sich unter bei uns melden. Eine Teilnahme in Präsenz ist ohne Anmeldung möglich. Alle weiteren Informationen finden sich auf der Seite zum FobiM 2024.

Gäste sind herzlich willkommen. Falls Sie digital teilnehmen möchten, melden Sie sich bitte bis zum 12.9.2024 unter an.

9:00–10:15 Uhr

Christina Marinidis (Wuppertal): Morgan le Fay: Eine Antagonistin?

Renate Bierman (Köln): The Identity of Queen Emma of Normandy (c.980–1052 CE). On the prospects of concepts such as Identity and Selbstzeugnisse in (Early) Medieval texts

10:45–12:00 Uhr

Roman Tymoshevskyi (Wien): Constructing Authority in the Kings’ Deposition in Fourteenth-Century England

Amelie Paulsen (Köln): Singulis mihi dominis homagium regium facientibus, et fidem michi prestantibus … Heinrich VI. und die Yorkisten in John Blacmans Collectarium

13:15–14:00 Uhr

Ronja Edelhäuser (Innsbruck): Untersuchungen zu Gesellschaf, Wirtschaf und Militär im römischen Britannien der severischen Zeit

14:15–15:30 Uhr

Isabel Blumenroth (Aachen): Die Rolle englischer Zisterzienser im Alexandrinischen Schisma

Eva Schaten (Münster): Theological Innovation in the 1410s: The Manuscripts of Katillus Thorberni

16:30–17:30 Uhr

Besuch der Basilika St. Gereon (mit Führung)


Gemeinsames Abendessen

Upcoming Exhibition: Creation, Birth, and Rebirth, The Cleveland Museum of Art, Saturday, August 17, 2024–Sunday, July 27, 2025

UpComing ExHibition

Creation, Birth, and Rebirth

The Cleveland Museum of Art

Saturday, August 17, 2024–Sunday, July 27, 2025

Virgin Nursing the Christ Child, c. 1370, France, Île de France. Painted limestone; overall: 111 x 38.5 cm (43 11/16 x 15 3/16 in.). The Cleveland Museum of Art, Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Fund 1984.157. Public Domain

The exhibition explores some of the fundamental moments in the sacred narratives of the medieval world: the creation of the universe, the birth of its gods and its humans, and visions of the end of life conceived as a new beginning. The exhibition asks a series of questions: how was the creation of the world imagined in different religions? How were the creators of that world visualized in several religious cultures? How were ideas about conception, incarnation, and birth depicted in the objects created by these cultures? How did they perceive the difference between birth and creation, and the connections between death and rebirth? What parallels were drawn between miraculous and everyday births? How did religious teachings on reincarnation and resurrection manifest in medieval material culture? What, more broadly, was the role of images in making sense of the universe? 

The objects in the exhibition span from the 800s to the 1500s, drawn from several collections in the Cleveland Museum of Art, including medieval art, Chinese art, Indian and Southeast Asian art, art of the Americas, and prints and drawings, offering possibilities of forging connections across cultures and geographies.  

The exhibition is a culmination of several years of collaboration between the medieval art program at Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Museum of Art, made possible by the support of the Mellon Foundation.

For more information, visit

Online Exhibition: Die Goldene Bulle Einheit und Eigensinn, Ongoing

Online Exhibition

Die Goldene Bulle Einheit und Eigensinn

Eine digitale Ausstellung über das UNESCO-Weltdokumentenerbe 'Die Goldene Bulle', für Schüler, Studierende und alle Interessierten. Kuratiert von PD Dr. Mathias Kluge von der Universität Augsburg und Dr. Sebastian Zanke vom Historischen Museum der Pfalz Speyer, im Team mit Prof. Martin Kaufhold, Tim Reischmann (Sin Cinema) und den Studierenden/ Absolventen der Universität Augsburg.

Call for Papers: Worlds of Learning, International Medieval Congress 2025, Paper Proposals Due 31 Aug. 2024 & Session Proposals Due 30 Sept. 2024

Call for Papers

Worlds of Learning

International Medieval Congress 2025

Paper Proposal Deadline: Saturday 31 August 2024
Session Proposal Deadline: Monday 30 September 2024

Proposals are now open for IMC 2025.

The IMC provides an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of all aspects of Medieval Studies. Proposals on any topic related to the Middle Ages are welcome, while every year the IMC also chooses a special thematic focus. In 2025 this is 'Worlds of Learning'.

Histories of learning have transformed fundamentally over the last generation: older research mainly investigated educational institutions or specific intellectual traditions, typically privileging forms of learning which could be connected to modern Western institutions and disciplines. More recent scholarship takes a broader approach, historicising the production and circulation of different forms of knowledge, including many non-Western cultural traditions, as well as practical knowledge, oral traditions, and types of technical or artisanal expertise not represented in the modern canon. As a result, new interdisciplinary research fields have broadened the thematic and geographical scopes of investigation and developed new comparative frameworks.

Perhaps most importantly, different cultural traditions and historiographies of learning across the globe are increasingly discussed in relation to each other or on the basis of interdisciplinary exchange on methodologies. The increasingly global scope of academic exchange enables us to think more productively towards connected histories of learning, whether global or regional in scope, and including non-elite and non-traditional forms of learning.

Processes of learning and resulting written traditions have also been re-situated in their social and material contexts, deepening our understanding of the cultural embeddedness of knowledge. Various recent approaches question the meaning of institutional descriptors like ‘schools’ and challenge the dividing lines between ‘scholarly’/’expert’ or ‘elite’ and ‘popular’ cultures. Frameworks discussing ‘communities of learning’, ‘communities of interpretation’, or ‘communities of practice’ highlight the role of exchange and conflict between different communities and social strata in the production of knowledge. They also allow for a much broader integration of different forms of practice, performance, and oral communication into the study of intellectual production.

On a methodological plane, our understanding of the use, distribution, and long-term differentiation of specific bodies of knowledge profits greatly from a greater appreciation of their mediality and materiality, with new approaches to genre, communicative uses, and the circulation of manuscripts and printed books, but also to a variety of images, objects, and (architectural) landscapes. A growing toolkit of digital approaches has proved to be both a boon and a challenge, as the gathering, analysis, and visualisation of relevant data promises innovative new insights, but also raises questions about standardisation and access to costly infrastructures.

Against this background, IMC 2025 invites a plurality of viewpoints investigating the manifold social, intellectual, and geographical ‘worlds of learning’ shaping pre-modern societies. Seeking to stabilise the trend of the previous years, the strand particularly encourages sessions focusing on non-European worlds of learning. It also invites sessions which address the challenges inherent in the highly diverse disciplinary landscape and the asymmetries shaping extant historiographies of learning, which come from both different global regions and separate disciplines with different emphases.

Themes to be addressed may include, but are not limited to:

  • Ideals, practices, and rituals of teaching and learning

  • Gendered ideals of learning and gender in learning

  • Pedagogical techniques for different age groups

  • Technical and artisanal knowledge

  • Oral transmission, practice, and performance in learning processes

  • Medieval epistemologies and systematisations of knowledge

  • Religious conceptualisations and interpretations of learning

  • Forms of learning and/about the self

  • Languages and their role in the acquisition of learning

  • Representations of learning in literature and art

  • Learning materials, including instructional objects, texts, images, and diagrams

  • Schools and universities and their local and regional networks

  • Financial and political networks supporting communities of learning

  • Lieux de savoir and locales of learning, including (permanent or situational) material and spatial arrangements

  • Printing and publishing learned materials

  • Distribution and circulation of knowledge traditions

  • (Digitally) Mapping intellectual networks

  • Cross-cultural and inter-religious learning

  • Cultural transfer and cultural appropriation

  • Different national and confessional/religious historiographies of learning, their continuing impact, and their problems

The IMC welcomes session and paper proposals submitted in all major languages.

The Special Thematic Strand 'Worlds of Learning' will be co-ordinated by Sita Steckel (Historisches Seminar, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt).

For more information, visit